Dear Silver Gate families,

Each year San Diego Unified is responsible for collecting information from our students’ families to support the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) process. LCFF is hallmark legislation that fundamentally changed how all local educational agencies in the state are funded, how they are measured for results, and the services and supports they receive to allow all students to succeed to their greatest potential.  

To support the state’s process San Diego Unified utilizes an online system accessed through the Parent Portal page of Power School through which we ask parents and families to complete a very short questionnaire that increases the district’s opportunity to receive funds from the state. The information is only collected for this process and will not be used for any other purpose. We ask that you sign-up for Parent Connect as soon as possible, if you’ve not already done so, and complete the short survey.  By doing so you will be increasing the chances that Silver Gate receives more of this valuable funding. 

Please follow these steps to enter LCFF data in the PowerSchool Parent Portal:  

  1. Sign into PowerSchool Parent Portal:   
  2. Click the icon near the bottom of the navigation menu.  
  3. For reference on the LCFF page in the parent portal, the information shaded in blue provides help in determining the number of household members and what types of income to include.  
  4. Click the dropdown, select the number of people living in your home.  
  5. Click the button next to the appropriate income amount for the household.  
  6. Click in the checkbox to certify the information and then click Submit.  
  7. If you have additional children attending eligible LCFF schools, click on their names in your Parent Portal and repeat steps 1-5.  

For help with technical issues, please contact Tracy Rebelo at [email protected]

Thank you,

Maria Fowler, Principal

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